Speaker Detail

Al Falaq Arsendatama, MCC
Stream : Coaching & Technology
Topic : Technology to Create Deeper Connection with Clients
Biography : As an ICF Master Certified Coach, Al Falaq Arsendatama brought about 15 years of his technology experience to the coaching industry by founding Visecoach platform, a mobile coaching app. He believes technology can help coaches beyond simply digitizing manual work but also enhancing support for a positive impact on client engagement and retention.
Description : Most coaches seem to be struggling to find out what is actually happening in their clients' life in between sessions.
Tracking coaching progress seems to be a daunting task when performed manually by sending emails and messages.
How the technology solves this issue and even adds new value for a deeper connection with the client is the topic we will engage in this session.
Beyond this, we will talk about the role of technology in promoting client's accountability and designing the success criteria for a coaching impact.